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About us


Ascension Life Kingdom Ministries is a pentacostal bible believing church.


A personnel note to you

We believe that as a member of the church, which is the body of Christ you wilfully as an individual, practice the following divine activities, to nourish your inner being to bring you to spiritual maturity and growth in faith in Jesus Christ and discharge His duties;


1. Reading the bible, to receive truths personally due to you, Rev 1:3 so that you prevent being cheated by the anti-Christ and his agents, Mat 23 and it enables personal tutorials by the Holy Spirit himself. Acts 8:26-39.

2. Pray and Fast, to receive the power of the kingdom ahead to wade of the devil Mat 4:11, Mark 14:38, Mat 17:21.

3. Mediate upon the Word of God, 1 Tim 4:15-16 gained deeper understanding.

4. Fellowship, with brethren for comfort and to edify them Rom 1:1-13, 1 Th 5:11

5. Attend church services, bible studies; to edify the body of Christ, to learn and be motivated. Eph 4:12, Ps 73:17.

6. Observe biblical feasts (Passover, Pentecost, Tabernacles), in fulfilment of scripture. Lev 23.


We also encourage that every believer in the church to practice the Word of God and be ambassador of it in their family, workplace and community.


Every individual is welcome to be part of the church as God's family.

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